

PCDA Circular No. 666: Implementation of One Rank One Pension (OROP) revision to the Defence Pensioners

PCDA Circular No. 666: Implementation of One Rank One Pension (OROP) revision to the Defence Pensioners and Family Pensioners.

Circular No. 666                                                                                    Dated: 20.01.2023


1. The Chief Accountant, RBI, Deptt. of Govt, Bank Accounts, Central Office C-7, Second Floor, Bandra - Kurla COlllplex, P B No. 8143, Bandra East Mumbai- 400051
2. All CMDs, Public Sector Bank.~.
3. The Nodal Officers, ICICIIHDFC/AXIS/IDBI Banks
4. All Managers, CPPCs
5. Military and Air Attache, Indiun Embassy. Kuthmundu, Nepal
6. The PCDA (WC), Chandigarh
7. The CDA (PD), Meerut
8. The CDA. Chennai
9. The Director of Treasury, All States
10. The Pay and Accounts Officer, Dellii Administration, R K Puram and Tis Hazari,
New Delhi.
11. The Pay and Accounts Office, Govt. of Mahurushtra, Mumbai
12. The Post Master Kathuu (J&K). Cump Bell Buy.
13. The Principal Pay and Accounts Officer Andaman and Nicobar Administration
Port Blair.

Subject:-Implementation of One Rank One Pension (OROP) revision to the Defence
pensioners w.e.f. 01.07.2019.

Reference:- Gol, MoD letters No. I ( I )/20 19/D(Pen/Pol)1V01-1I dated 20.01.2023.

A copy of Government or Indiu, Ministry of Defence letter No.
I (I )/20 19/D(Pen/Pol)1V01-1I dated 20.01.2023 and Gol, MoD letter No \(1)/20 I 9/D(Pen/ Pol dated 04.01.2023 on the above subject are forwarded herewith for information and necessary action which are self explanatory.

2. The above Government letters have been issued to implement 'One Rank One Pension' (OROP) revision for Defence Pensioners/Family Pensioners in continuance to earlier Gov!. order on the subject dated 03.02.2016 circulated vide this office Circular No. 555 dated 04.02.2016. All the implementing instructions mentioned therein shall equally apply on this order until not specially specified herein.

3. The revision of pension in terms of the above Government Orders shall be effective from 01.07.2019 and payment of arrears accrued on account of revision of pension, if any, shall be made in four equal half yearly instalments. however. nil the family pensioners including those in receipt of Speciall Liberalised Family Pension and 011 Gallantry award winners shall be paid arrears in one instalment as stipulated earlier.

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