

Payment of Provisional Pension and Gratuity Under Rule 62 of CCS Pension Rules 2021: DoP&PW OM dated 23.02.2022.

Timely issue of Pension Payment Order (PPO) Under CCS Pension Rules 2021.

File No. 12(9)/2020-P&PW(C)-6450
भारत सरकार 
कार्मिक लोक शिकायत तथा पेंशन मंत्रालय 
पेंशन और पेंशनभोगी कल्याण विभाग

8th Floor, Kanpati Bhawan,
Janpath New Delhi
Dated the 23rd February, 2022

Office memorandum

Subject: Payment of provisional pension and gratuity under Rule 62 of the Central Civil Services Pension Rules 2021 in case of delay in issue of PPO authorising regular pension.

The undersigned is directed to say that in accordance with Rule 62 of the central civil services pension rules 2021 (Rule 64 of the earthwhile Central civil services pension rules 1972) the head of office is required to sanction a provisional pension/gratuity in cases where a delay is anticipated in issuing a PPO authorising regular pension.  Rule 65 of the CCS pension rules 2021 further provides that in all cases where pension family pension/gratuity including provisional pension/family pension/gratuity has not been sanctioned or is delayed and it is clearly established that the delay in payment was a attaributable to administrative reasons or lapses, interest shall be paid on amount of pension/family pension/gratuity at the rate and in the manner as applicable to general provident fund amount. Every case of delayed payment of pension/family pension/gratuity in respect of employees of a ministry or department and the employees of its attached and subordinate officers shall be considered by the secretary of that ministry or department or any other office authorised by him,  and where it is is found that the delay in the payment of pension/family pension/gratuity was caused on account of Administrative reasons,  interest shall be required to be paid to the affected pensioner/family pensioner. In such cases responsibility shall be fixed and disciplinary action shall be initiated against the government servant or servants who are found responsible for the delay on account of Administrative lapses.

2. Although as per Rule 62 of CCS pension Rules 2021, payment of provisional pension shall not continue beyond the period of six month from the date of retirement of the government servant. The rule further provides that the Accounts Officer treat the provisional pension as final and issue Pension Payment order immediately on the expiry of the period of six months.  If the final amount of pension and gratuity have not been determined by the head of the office in consultation with the Accounts Officer within the aforesaid period of six months.

3. In view of provisions of rule 62 of CCS pension rules 2021 the Accounts Officer has to treat the provisional pension as final and issue Pension Payment order immediately on the expiry of the period of six months provided in the role if the final amount of pension and gratuity have not been determined by the head of the office in consultation with the Accounts Officer within the third period. Therefore there should not be a situation where regular pension is not authorised by the Accounts Officer to a retired government servant on expiry of the period of six months.

4. All Ministries departments and their Accounts Officer advised to strictly comply with the provisions of rule 62 of CCS pension rules 20 21. It is further emphasized that pension should not be discontinued under any circumstances if for any reason PPT for regular pension could not be issued by the Accounts Officer till the expiry of the aforesaid period of six months.

Ashok Kumar Singh,
Under Secretary to the Government of India Phone 23310 108.

1. All the Ministries departments Government of India 
2. All officers, desks of the department 
3. NIC/DoPPW uploading on website of the Department copy to Controller General of Accounts Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan Ministry of Finance New Delhi.

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